RPG figure - dwarven fighter and berserker. With an iron hammer resting on his arm, chainmail, and a decorated cummerbund belt, this champion among dwarves is ready to take on any foe. For additional protection, he is wearing iron gauntlets that...
This fantasy set includes all parts required to create archer Va'laar Swampwalker ranger with bow, quiver and flying bird miniature for Bloodfields Sullen Swampfolk army.
This fantasy set includes all parts required to create Rerrkor Might Of Ur lizard egyptian fighter with axe miniature for Bloodfields Gods of Sun and Sand army.
This fantasy set includes all parts required to create magic warlock Far'Adal arabic wizard, sorcerer miniature with lamp and burning flying bird for Bloodfields Cult of Flame army.
This fantasy set includes all parts required to create Farrow'Kor arabic warrior miniature with bow, flying on bird beast for Bloodfields Cult of Flame army.
This fantasy set includes all parts required to create Kel'Mithar arabic warrior miniature with two swords (scimiatars) for Bloodfields Cult of Flame army.
This fantasy set includes all parts required to create Maso'Thun arabic fighter miniature with sword, cloak and burning ball for Bloodfields Cult of Flame army.
This fantasy set includes all parts required to create Sha'bur Badavdur four hand arabic elemental miniature with swords (scimitar) for Bloodfields Cult of Flame army.