Fantasy miniatures » Models and Figures for RPG Board & Tabletop Games


Titan Forge wargame company shop offers premium fantasy wargaming miniatures collections for sale in 32mm and 28mm scale. The most popular wargaming miniature games like Warhammer and Dungeons and Dragons.

Fantasy miniatures



  • Dragon Empire
    <p>Dragon Empire is a classic Titan Forge fantasy miniature collection inspired by Asian, Japanese, and Chinese mythology. It includes figurines of Tianlong dragon, Yokai, Hori Mizu koi fish sorceress, and Dragon Empire ashigaru warriors.</p> <ul class="desc"><li><a title="Dragon Empire was released for the first time in 2017 as a Kickstarter campaign by Titan Forge" href="#1">Was the Dragon Empire miniature collection created by Titan Forge</a></li> <li><a title="Dragon Empire has proven to be a real bestseller among Titan Forge miniatures" href="#2">Why are Dragon Empire miniatures so popular?</a></li> <li><a title="This miniatures collection was inspired by the mythos of the far-East" href="#3">What was Dragon Empire inspired by?</a></li> <li><a title="Titan Forge is the only source of original Dragon Empire miniatures" href="#4">Where can I buy Dragon Empire miniatures?</a></li> </ul><div style="background-color:#f9f9f9;margin-top:12px;"> <p style="text-align:center;padding-top:12px;"><span>Dragon Empire fantasy miniatures</span></p> <h2 style="text-align:center;font-size:2rem;color:#232323;margin-top:-10px;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:500;">SUBCATEGORIES</h2> <ul class="cat" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:6px;"><li><a title="Archers, Spearman, Rifleman, Blademasters, and Cavalry from Asian and Japanase inspired miniature set" href="/265-units">Units</a></li> <li><a title="Find here all the heroes from the eastern mythology inspired Dragon Empire range of miniatures" href="/266-heroes">Heroes</a></li> <li><a title="Get the most unique warmachines for your miniature army. Ballista, cannon, chariot, and more" href="/267-warmachines">Warmachines</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy miniatures representing various monsters from far-eastern legends. Dragon Empire is a land of creatures and beasts" href="/268-monsters">Monsters</a></li> </ul></div> <ul class="tag2" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:4px;margin-top:15px;"><li style="text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#222;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:400;">KEYWORDS:</li> <li><a title="Fantasy tabletop miniatures" href="/search?tag=fantasy">FANTASY</a></li> <li><a title="Dragons fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=dragon">DRAGON</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy samurais miniatures" href="/search?tag=samurai">SAMURAI</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy asians miniatures" href="/search?tag=asian">ASIAN</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=warrior">WARRIOR</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=fighter">FIGHTER</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy ninjas miniatures" href="/search?tag=ninja">NINJA</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with flags fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=flag">FLAG</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters with swords fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=sword">SWORD</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with armors miniatures" href="/search?tag=armor">ARMOR</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy minis for RPG tabletop wargames" href="/search?tag=fantasy+miniatures">FANTASY MINIATURES</a></li> </ul>
  • Ogres
    <p>Ogre Pirates! Dedicated size and scale ogre miniatures for 28mm games from Titan Forge Kickstarter. Special edition set of ogre figures with a distinctive pirate theme for your collection. Ogres with cannons, ogre pistols, ogre beasts.</p> <ul class="desc"><li><a title="Bloodsail Island is one of the first fantasy lines created by Titan Forge" href="#1">Is Bloodsail Island a Titan Forge collection?</a></li> <li><a title="The Bloodsail Ogres is a line of pirate-themed ogres which are quite unique in the current environment" href="#2">What miniatures are in the Ogre collection at Titan Forge?</a></li> <li><a title="Since the first release of Bloodsail Island, Titan Forge has been adding new Ogres to this collection" href="#3">Are any new Ogres available at Titan Forge?</a></li> <li><a title="Ogres were always present in the world of wargaming, oftentimes paired with goblins as their support" href="#4">Are fantasy Ogres a popular army in wargaming?</a></li> </ul><div style="background-color:#f9f9f9;margin-top:12px;"> <p style="text-align:center;padding-top:12px;"><span>Ogres fantasy miniatures</span></p> <h2 style="text-align:center;font-size:2rem;color:#232323;margin-top:-10px;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:500;">SUBCATEGORIES</h2> <ul class="cat" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:6px;"><li><a title="Ogre Pirates come with a variety of wargaming units and troops. Bloodsail Island contains fantasy ogre miniatures with different versions" href="/269-units">Units</a></li> <li><a title="Ogre Pirate miniatures include captains, conquistadors, standard bearers, bards, and ogre warriors" href="/270-heroes">Heroes</a></li> <li><a title="Ogre Warmachines - Alligators, Crocodiles, Komodo Dragons used as chariots and cannons" href="/272-warmachines">Warmachines</a></li> <li><a title="Monster miniatures play an important part in RPG wargames" href="/271-monsters">Monsters</a></li> </ul></div> <ul class="tag2" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:4px;margin-top:15px;"><li style="text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#222;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:400;">KEYWORDS:</li> <li><a title="Fantasy tabletop miniatures" href="/search?tag=fantasy">FANTASY</a></li> <li><a title="Ogres fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=ogre">OGRE</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy pirates miniatures" href="/search?tag=pirates">PIRATES</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy sharks miniatures" href="/search?tag=shark">SHARK</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=warrior">WARRIOR</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=fighter">FIGHTER</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy pirates miniatures" href="/search?tag=pirate">PIRATE</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters with pistols fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=pistol">PISTOL</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with guns fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=gun">GUN</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with hats miniatures" href="/search?tag=hat">HAT</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy minis for RPG tabletop wargames" href="/search?tag=fantasy+miniatures">FANTASY MINIATURES</a></li> </ul>
  • Amazon
    <p>28mm Amazon miniatures for wargaming from the Raid on the Temple of Serpents Kickstarter campaign. Amazon models and dinosaur miniatures. Official Titan-Forge amazon warrior collection with a unique theme high-quality sculplting.</p> <ul class="desc"><li><a title="Amazon miniatures are a popular choice among wargamers" href="#1">Are Amazon miniatures popular in wargaming?</a></li> <li><a title="Titan Forge has created one of the most unique and astonishing Amazon miniature collections there is" href="#2">Are there Amazon miniatures in Titan Forge’s offer?</a></li> <li><a title="The most compelling thing in Titan Forge’s Amazon collection is the dinosaurs" href="#3">What is unique about Titan Forge’s Amazons? </a></li> <li><a title="All Titan Forge models in the Fantasy Miniature category are in 28mm scale" href="#4">Are Amazon miniatures of a 28mm scale?</a></li> </ul><div style="background-color:#f9f9f9;margin-top:12px;"> <p style="text-align:center;padding-top:12px;"><span>Amazon fantasy miniatures</span></p> <h2 style="text-align:center;font-size:2rem;color:#232323;margin-top:-10px;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:500;">SUBCATEGORIES</h2> <ul class="cat" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:6px;"><li><a title="Among the Amazon miniatures, you will find archers, blowpipers, warriors, dinosaur cavalry, flying cavalry, guards, mounts, and command groups" href="/273-units">Units</a></li> <li><a title="Amazon rangers, amazon priests, and amazon warriors. Includes mounted amazon heroes on dinosaurs for all your game needs" href="/274-heroes">Heroes</a></li> <li><a title="Amazon and Dinosaur warmachine models are a unique alternative for wargamers, hobbyists, and painters" href="/275-warmachines">Warmachines</a></li> <li><a title="Browse the monster models created by Titan Forge for all fantasy collections including the Amazon Monsters" href="/276-monsters">Monsters</a></li> </ul></div> <ul class="tag2" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:4px;margin-top:15px;"><li style="text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#222;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:400;">KEYWORDS:</li> <li><a title="Fantasy tabletop miniatures" href="/search?tag=fantasy">FANTASY</a></li> <li><a title="Amazons fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=amazons">AMAZONS</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy females miniatures" href="/search?tag=female">FEMALE</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy aanimals miniatures" href="/search?tag=animal">ANIMAL</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=warrior">WARRIOR</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=fighter">FIGHTER</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters with spears fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=spear">SPEAR</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy helmets miniatures" href="/search?tag=helmet">HELMET</a></li> <li><a title="Wizards with staffs miniatures" href="/search?tag=staff">STAFF</a></li> <li><a title="Monsters fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=monster">MONSTER</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy minis for RPG tabletop wargames" href="/search?tag=fantasy+miniatures">FANTASY MINIATURES</a></li> </ul>
  • Human
    <p>Human army miniatures for sale online in 28mm scale. Fantasy soldiers and human warriors miniatures for wargaming. High-quality fantasy miniatures for the tabletop enthusiast and alternative models for popular human armies. Build your distinctive miniature collection.</p> <ul class="desc"><li><a title="Humans are very commonly used across all systems with many of them having more than one clan that uses human miniatures" href="#1">What miniatures are in the Human collection at Titan Forge?</a></li> <li><a title="In the fantasy miniature category, you can find human figures dedicated to wargaming and other tabletop games" href="#2">Where can I use Human miniatures?</a></li> <li><a title="Titan Forge has a long-established process of casting and 3d printing miniatures for your needs" href="#3">What is the quality of Titan Forge Human models?</a></li> <li><a title="Sculpting fantasy miniatures is the core of Titan Forge" href="#4">Who is sculpting Titan Forge's Human miniatures?</a></li> </ul><div style="background-color:#f9f9f9;margin-top:12px;"> <p style="text-align:center;padding-top:12px;"><span>Human fantasy miniatures</span></p> <h2 style="text-align:center;font-size:2rem;color:#232323;margin-top:-10px;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:500;">SUBCATEGORIES</h2> <ul class="cat" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:6px;"><li><a title="Units with multiple models of human miniatures. Tabletop wargaming troops to be used with any human factions and armies" href="/277-units">Units</a></li> <li><a title="All-purpose human miniatures - warriors, mages, leaders, human paladins, and more" href="/278-heroes">Heroes</a></li> <li><a title="Warmachine miniatures are commonly used in human armies that excel in ranged combat by using ballistae, cannons, catapults, trebuchets, and miniguns" href="/279-warmachines">Warmachines</a></li> <li><a title="Monster handlers, beasts, dragons, griffons, and more" href="/280-monsters">Monsters</a></li> </ul></div> <ul class="tag2" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:4px;margin-top:15px;"><li style="text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#222;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:400;">KEYWORDS:</li> <li><a title="Fantasy tabletop miniatures" href="/search?tag=fantasy">FANTASY</a></li> <li><a title="Humans fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=humans">HUMANS</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy knights miniatures" href="/search?tag=knight">KNIGHT</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy rangers miniatures" href="/search?tag=ranger">RANGER</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=warrior">WARRIOR</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=fighter">FIGHTER</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy paladins miniatures" href="/search?tag=paladin">PALADIN</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy miniatures with hats" href="/search?tag=hat">HAT</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy warmachines miniatures" href="/search?tag=warmachine">WARMACHINE</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with knifes miniatures" href="/search?tag=knife">KNIFE</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy minis for RPG tabletop wargames" href="/search?tag=fantasy+miniatures">FANTASY MINIATURES</a></li> </ul>
  • Elves
    <p>Elf and Elves miniatures for wargaming, miniatures other than Warhammer. Dark elves, wood elves, and elven witches for painting, collections, and games. Elf figures in 28mm scale, get your unique elf set here!</p> <ul class="desc"> <li><a title="At Titan Forge, you will find the most popular and most commonly used archetypes of elf miniatures" href="#1">What kind of Elf miniatures are at Titan Forge?</a></li> <li><a title="Elf miniatures are very popular in wargames and they are a blast to play with" href="#2">Are fantasy Elves figures used in wargaming?</a></li> <li><a title="As a miniature sculpting company, we need to come up with a lot of ideas for elf miniatures and it can be quite a creative and exciting process" href="#3">How does Titan Forge come up with ideas for Elf miniatures?</a></li> <li><a title="When it comes to sculpting miniatures, elves are incredibly grateful subjects" href="#4">Will there be more Elf miniature collections?</a></li> </ul> <div style="background-color:#f9f9f9;margin-top:12px;"> <p style="text-align:center;padding-top:12px;"><span>Elves fantasy miniatures</span></p> <h2 style="text-align:center;font-size:2rem;color:#232323;margin-top:-10px;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:500;">SUBCATEGORIES</h2> <ul class="cat" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:6px;"> <li><a title="Dark Elf miniatures, High Elf miniatures, Wood Elf miniatures, Forest Elf miniatures" href="/281-units">Units</a></li> <li><a title="Gather all your elven and elf hero miniatures here! Lots of choices for all elven races" href="/282-heroes">Heroes</a></li> <li><a title="Warmachines for elven armies. Elf warmachines, constructs, machines, turrets, and more" href="/283-warmachines">Warmachines</a></li> <li><a title="Monster miniatures from the realm of elves. Treefolks, ents, and wood spirits can join your elven army" href="/284-monsters">Monsters</a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="tag2" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:4px;margin-top:15px;"> <li style="text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#222;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:400;">KEYWORDS:</li> <li><a title="Fantasy tabletop miniatures" href="/search?tag=fantasy">FANTASY</a></li> <li><a title="Elves fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=elf">ELF</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy dark elves miniatures" href="/search?tag=dark">DARK</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy wood elves miniatures" href="/search?tag=wood">WOOD</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=warrior">WARRIOR</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=fighter">FIGHTER</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy archers miniatures" href="/search?tag=archer">ARCHER</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy forest elves miniatures" href="/search?tag=forest">FOREST</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters with bows fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=bow">BOW</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with quivers fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=quiver">QUIVER</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy minis for RPG tabletop wargames" href="/search?tag=fantasy+miniatures">FANTASY MINIATURES</a></li> </ul>
  • Orcs
    <p>The best orc miniatures for games in Warhammer category. Orcs miniatures for your 28mm army, full sets of orcs for painting and games. Buy fantasy orc miniatures and orc models here to have the best army.</p> <ul class="desc"> <li><a title="Orc miniatures are constantly a popular choice among players and there are many different types that are in demand" href="#1">What Orc miniatures are the players looking for?</a></li> <li><a title="In our online collection available with worldwide shipping you will find all the orcs that you need to create a full army" href="#2">What types of Orc miniatures are available at Titan Forge?</a></li> <li><a title="At Titan Forge, apart from traditional orcs, you can find some diverse miniatures that you will be able to use across many games and systems" href="#3">What is the style of Orc miniatures at Titan Forge?</a></li> <li><a title="Orcs are known to be liberal in who they fight alongside as long as there is bloodshed" href="#4">What other miniatures can be found in the Orc collection?</a></li> </ul> <div style="background-color:#f9f9f9;margin-top:12px;"> <p style="text-align:center;padding-top:12px;"><span>Orcs fantasy miniatures</span></p> <h2 style="text-align:center;font-size:2rem;color:#232323;margin-top:-10px;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:500;">SUBCATEGORIES</h2> <ul class="cat" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:6px;"> <li><a title="Wargaming units are the core of every orc army and orc faction" href="/285-units">Units</a></li> <li><a title="Orcish hero miniatures represent might and anger" href="/286-heroes">Heroes</a></li> <li><a title="These crude machines are what every wagamer is looking for when creating a personalized orc miniature army" href="/287-warmachines">Warmachines</a></li> <li><a title="Check out the range of monster miniatures from the orc collection" href="/288-monsters">Monsters</a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="tag2" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:4px;margin-top:15px;"> <li style="text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#222;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:400;">KEYWORDS:</li> <li><a title="Fantasy tabletop miniatures" href="/search?tag=fantasy">FANTASY</a></li> <li><a title="Orcs fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=orc">ORC</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy wolves miniatures" href="/search?tag=warlock">WARLOCK</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy wizards miniatures" href="/search?tag=wolf">WOLF</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=warrior">WARRIOR</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=fighter">FIGHTER</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters with halberds fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=halberd">HALBERD</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with helmets fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=helmet">HELMET</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters with armors fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=armor">ARMOR</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with shields miniatures" href="/search?tag=shield">SHIELD</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy minis for RPG tabletop wargames" href="/search?tag=fantasy+miniatures">FANTASY MINIATURES</a></li> </ul>
  • Dwarves
    <p>28mm dwarf miniatures better than warhammer! Dwarves miniatures collection in resin for sale. Paint and glue dwarves miniatures for painting and games based on high-quality 3d models. Metalbeard Dwarves and Corrupted Dwarves collections by Titan Forge.</p> <ul class="desc"> <li><a title="Titan Forge offers some of the biggest selections of dwarf miniatures among all miniature sculpting companies" href="#1">Are Dwarf miniatures available at Titan Forge?</a></li> <li><a title="This is the right place to find all kinds of fantasy dwarf models for your collection" href="#2">What types of Dwarf miniatures can I find here?</a></li> <li><a title="Titan Forge dwarven berserker miniatures are a very popular choice among hobbyists" href="#3">What are some most popular Titan Forge Dwarven models?</a></li> <li><a title="Dwarves would not be such a prominent fantasy race without their brilliant inventions and we put a lot of effort into providing you with some most stunning and memorable dwarven machine miniatures" href="#4">Does this collection feature Dwarven machine figures?</a></li> </ul> <div style="background-color:#f9f9f9;margin-top:12px;"> <p style="text-align:center;padding-top:12px;"><span>Dwarves fantasy miniatures</span></p> <h2 style="text-align:center;font-size:2rem;color:#232323;margin-top:-10px;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:500;">SUBCATEGORIES</h2> <ul class="cat" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:6px;"> <li><a title="Dwarf rank and file miniatures are crucial to every dwarven army" href="/289-units">Units</a></li> <li><a title="Dwarven engineers, berserkers, standard bearers, mages, and dwarven lords" href="/290-heroes">Heroes</a></li> <li><a title="Dwarven miniature armies are known for using powerful warmachines" href="/291-warmachines">Warmachines</a></li> <li><a title="Dwarven beasts, dwarven constructs, and dwarven mech models for RPG tabletop games" href="/292-monsters">Monsters</a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="tag2" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:4px;margin-top:15px;"> <li style="text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#222;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:400;">KEYWORDS:</li> <li><a title="Fantasy tabletop miniatures" href="/search?tag=fantasy">FANTASY</a></li> <li><a title="Dwarves fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=dwarf">DWARF</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy machines miniatures" href="/search?tag=machine">MACHINE</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters with morning stars fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=morning+star">MORNING STAR</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=warrior">WARRIOR</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=fighter">FIGHTER</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters with axes fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=axe">AXE</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with pistols fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=pistol">PISTOL</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters with guns fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=gun">GUN</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with armors miniatures" href="/search?tag=armor">ARMOR</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy minis for RPG tabletop wargames" href="/search?tag=fantasy+miniatures">FANTASY MINIATURES</a></li> </ul>
  • Undead
    <p>All Titan Forge undead miniatures for games similar to Warhammer - undead giants, horses, chariots and dragons. Undead miniature collection with Egyptian themes and vampire lords theme. Zombie figurines for sale in a great price.</p> <ul class="desc"> <li><a title="In our vast collection, you will be able to find all kinds of undead miniatures including undead creature models, undead monster figurines, and undead character sculptures" href="#1">What types of Undead miniatures are hobbyists looking for?</a></li> <li><a title="Vampire miniatures are among the most popular undead models as vampires often spark a lot of inspiration for writers, filmmakers, and, of course, us, hobbyists" href="#2">Are Vampire miniatures available in the Titan Forge store?</a></li> <li><a title="Many undead miniatures are risen from the dead after being entombed" href="#3">Can I get Zombie and Skeleton miniatures at Titan Forge?</a></li> <li><a title="Titan Forge creates all kinds of undead miniatures including banshee miniatures, lich models, vampire lord figures, and necromancer minis" href="#4">What other types of undead models are here?</a></li> </ul> <div style="background-color:#f9f9f9;margin-top:15px;"> <p style="text-align:center;padding-top:15px;"><span>Undead fantasy miniatures</span></p> <h2 style="text-align:center;font-size:2rem;color:#232323;margin-top:-10px;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:500;">SUBCATEGORIES</h2> <ul class="cat" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:15px;"> <li><a title="Units in this fantasy collection represent undead hordes - zombie miniatures, skeleton miniatures, and more" href="/293-units">Units</a></li> <li><a title="Vampire heroes and undead heroes miniatures for wargamers - lich model, necromancer model, vampire miniatures" href="/294-heroes">Heroes</a></li> <li><a title="Undead chariot miniatures and undead warmachine miniatures" href="/295-warmachines">Warmachines</a></li> <li><a title="Undead giant models and a collection of beast minis that bring terror to the tabletop" href="/296-monsters">Monsters</a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="tag2" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:4px;margin-top:15px;"> <li style="text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#222;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:400;">KEYWORDS:</li> <li><a title="Fantasy tabletop miniatures" href="/search?tag=fantasy">FANTASY</a></li> <li><a title="Undeads fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=undead">UNDEAD</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy skeletons miniatures" href="/search?tag=skeleton">SKELETON</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy miniatures with skulls" href="/search?tag=skull">SKULL</a></li> <li><a title="Beasts fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=beast">BEAST</a></li> <li><a title="Monsters fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=monster">MONSTER</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with scythes fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=scythe">SCYTHE</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters with hammers fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=hammer">HAMMER</a></li> <li><a title="Wizards with cloaks miniatures" href="/search?tag=cloak">CLOAK</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with halberds miniatures" href="/search?tag=halberd">HALBERD</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy minis for RPG tabletop wargames" href="/search?tag=fantasy+miniatures">FANTASY MINIATURES</a></li> </ul>
  • Demons
    <p>Titan Forge art studio presents demon miniatures from every part of the demonic kingdom including demon lord miniatures, plague demons, demon princes, shadow demons, and more. Absolutely remarkable demon miniatures for painting, collection, and games.</p> <ul class="desc"> <li><a title="Titan Forge demon miniatures are divided into four main categories" href="#1">What are the four types of Demon miniatures at Titan Forge?</a></li> <li><a title="Demon Lords are fearsome opponents and they are often used in many wargaming settings as key units to defeat the enemy" href="#2">Why are Titan Forge Demon Lord miniatures so popular?</a></li> <li><a title="Titan Forge has begun sculpting demon miniatures right at the very start of its existence and has been adding more and more fantasy demon miniatures to their offer" href="#3">What other types of Demon minis can be found in this collection?</a></li> <li><a title="In our collection, you will find miniatures that depict dark and sinister figures with the power to summon demons from the netherworld" href="#4">What are the features of Titan Forge Demon miniatures?</a></li> </ul> <div style="background-color:#f9f9f9;margin-top:12px;"> <p style="text-align:center;padding-top:12px;"><span>Demons fantasy miniatures</span></p> <h2 style="text-align:center;font-size:2rem;color:#232323;margin-top:-10px;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:500;">SUBCATEGORIES</h2> <ul class="cat" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:6px;"> <li><a title="Multiple model units for armies of chaos" href="/297-units">Units</a></li> <li><a title="Including demon lords, shadow demons, medieval demons, daemon prince miniatures, and female demons" href="/298-heroes">Heroes</a></li> <li><a title="Machine, chariot, and warmachine miniatures from the Demonic Kingdom" href="/299-warmachines">Warmachines</a></li> <li><a title="Demon dragons, demon monsters, demon lords miniatures" href="/300-monsters">Monsters</a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="tag2" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:4px;margin-top:15px;"> <li style="text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#222;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:400;">KEYWORDS:</li> <li><a title="Fantasy tabletop miniatures" href="/search?tag=fantasy">FANTASY</a></li> <li><a title="Flying demons fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=flying">FLYING</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy demon lords miniatures" href="/search?tag=lord">LORD</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy demons miniatures" href="/search?tag=demon">DEMON</a></li> <li><a title="Monsters fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=monster">MONSTER</a></li> <li><a title="Magic fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=magic">MAGIC</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy wizards with spheres miniatures" href="/search?tag=sphere">SPHERE</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy wizards with tomes miniatures" href="/search?tag=tome">TOME</a></li> <li><a title="Wizards with staffs miniatures" href="/search?tag=staff">STAFF</a></li> <li><a title="Demons with four hands miniatures" href="/search?tag=4+hand">4 HAND</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy minis for RPG tabletop wargames" href="/search?tag=fantasy+miniatures">FANTASY MINIATURES</a></li> </ul>
  • Other
    <p>Looking for fantasy miniatures near me? Titan Forge offers fantasy miniatures, fantasy models, and fantasy figurines - 7 euro worldwide shipping to your home. Miniatures for painting and miniatures for dioramas of every race for every game.</p> <ul class="desc"> <li><a title="Titan Forge is exploring many fantasy realms for inspiration for unique fantasy miniatures" href="#1">What are some other types of fantasy miniatures?</a></li> <li><a title="In this miscellaneous category, you can get all kinds of monsters for wargaming and RPG adventures" href="#2">What fantasy monster miniatures can I find in the Other category?</a></li> <li><a title="Visit the Titan Forge store to stock up on the most unique and rare fantasy creature miniatures" href="#3">Can I find miniatures of rare fantasy creatures at Titan Forge?</a></li> <li><a title="Miniatures in this category are divided into four subcategories inducing unit miniatures, hero miniatures, warmachine miniatures, and monster miniatures" href="#4">What types of additional miniatures should I get?</a></li> </ul> <div style="background-color:#f9f9f9;margin-top:12px;"> <p style="text-align:center;padding-top:12px;"><span>Other races miniatures</span></p> <h2 style="text-align:center;font-size:2rem;color:#232323;margin-top:-10px;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:500;">SUBCATEGORIES</h2> <ul class="cat" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:6px;"> <li><a title="Get the command groups, champions, bards, standard bearer miniatures here for every army in games similar to warhammer" href="/301-units">Units</a></li> <li><a title="Titan Forge features a collection of miniatures for every race and miniatures for every faction" href="/302-heroes">Heroes</a></li> <li><a title="Check out the warmachine miniature images in our collection" href="/303-warmachines">Warmachines</a></li> <li><a title="If you want to start playing in a similar system, get the monster miniatures here at the Titan Forge store" href="/304-monsters">Monsters</a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="tag2" style="text-align:center;padding-bottom:4px;margin-top:15px;"> <li style="text-align:center;font-size:16px;color:#222;font-family:Teko, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:400;">KEYWORDS:</li> <li><a title="Fantasy tabletop miniatures" href="/search?tag=fantasy">FANTASY</a></li> <li><a title="Arabian fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=arabic">ARABIC</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy gins miniatures" href="/search?tag=gin">GIN</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy wizards miniatures" href="/search?tag=wizard">WIZARD</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=warrior">WARRIOR</a></li> <li><a title="Fighters fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=fighter">FIGHTER</a></li> <li><a title="Warriors with scythes fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=scythe">SCYTHE</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy monsters miniatures" href="/search?tag=monster">MONSTER</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy beasts miniatures" href="/search?tag=beast">BEAST</a></li> <li><a title="Egyptians fantasy miniatures" href="/search?tag=egyptian">EGYPTIAN</a></li> <li><a title="Fantasy minis for RPG tabletop wargames" href="/search?tag=fantasy+miniatures">FANTASY MINIATURES</a></li> </ul>
  • Goblins

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Quillhound ver.1

Quillhound model for tabletop RPG - beast monster hound. Carrion feeder scavenger animal based on a hyena. It has thick fur and multiple spikes or quills coming from its ridge. Sharp teeth and a growling mounth provide the cheapest corpse removal...
€ 5.93 Regular price -25% € 7.90 Price